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Your weekly guide to the events and happenings in and around Boyertown, PA

What to do? Where to go? Here is your one stop list of community events, music, arts, food, business specials, and historic events for Boyertown and beyond…

As a Boyertown graduate, a real estate agent at Glocker Realty, and also a proud member of Building a Better Boyertown & BMBA, I have had the joy of watching our little town grow. I enjoy having any part in helping our community to move forward. I hope this weekly blog will help shine a light on all the great things happening in and around Boyertown, PA.

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Here is what’s going down during the week of 4/21/2022 – 4/27/2022

Earth Day: A Celebration of Mother Earth

This Friday, April 22nd, is Earth Day. Earth Day as an annual celebration of our one and only Mother Earth, and is meant to raise awareness on how to care for and protect her. This event has taken place every year since 1970.  

In 1969, a massive oil spill in Santa Barbara, CA inspired two bipartisan US senators to organize a “national teach-in on the environment”. This event took place on April 22, 1970, and more than 20 million Americans held rallies, demonstrations, and participated in activities promoting a clean and safe environment, that first year.

As a result, Earth Day led to the foundation of the Environmental Protection Agency, as well as, the eventual passage of the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, and the Endangered Species Act.

Today, Earth Day is celebrated globally throughout 190 countries with over 1 billion people taking part. This makes Earth Day the largest secular event in the world.

Did you Know?

  • A plastic bottle can take over 450 years to break down in a landfill.
  • Less than one percent of the water on Earth can be consumed by humans.
  • In its lifetime, one reusable bag can prevent the use of 600 plastic bags.
  • Shutting down a computer when it’s not in use cuts the energy consumption by 85 percent.
  • For every mile walked instead of driven, nearly one pound of pollution is kept out of the air.

Here are some ideas to help you celebrate Earth Day…

Reduce Waste – The number of garbage trucks Americans fill each year would stretch halfway to the moon. Before you throw something away, think about whether it can be recycled or repurposed. If your home doesn’t already have one, create a recycling center. If you already have a recycling center, take another look at how your household is using it and how you could improve your efforts.

Plant Something – Roughly 15 billion trees in the world are cut down each year, so help offset that loss by planting a tree of your own. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen for clean air to breathe. They also provide shelter and food for animals and make great shade on hot afternoons. Another option is to plant your own fruits and veggies which will benefit your health and reduce the amount of fossil fuel emissions by not having to transport the food to stores.

Buy reusable bags – It’s been estimated that Americans use 100 billion plastic bags a year, and just the production alone for those requires about 12 million barrels of oil. Not to mention, they take up lots of space in landfills and cause major problems for marine wildlife. Instead, buy some personalized reusable bags to use when you go to the grocery store. You’ll not only be stylish but eco-friendly as well!

Drive Less – The fewer cars on the road, the less carbon emissions polluting the air and contributing to global warming. Riding your bike or walking to places when you can, will help the environment and is good for your body too. Some other alternatives are carpooling or taking public transportation. Just think of the gas money you’ll save!

Use a Refillable Water Bottle – Just because you’re tossing your plastic water bottles into the recycling bin doesn’t mean they’re not hurting the environment. Besides the fact that it takes over 1.5 million barrels of oil to manufacture all of those bottles each year, there are still over two million tons of water bottles that have ended up in U.S. landfills. Buy an insulated reusable bottle so you have a cool refreshing drink anytime. Think of the money you’ll save on buying water!

Offer Your Time – Volunteer to pick up trash at a nearby park, start a community garden, or get involved in your community environmental programs. When you work together with others, you’re not just helping the Earth—you’re making new friends too!

Some More Ideas…

  • Make a compost pile. Composting can help you use kitchen scraps (saving landfill space) and add nutrients to your soil.
  • Create a rain barrel to collect water for your lawn (check local ordinances first).
  • Plant a perennial flower bed.
  • Fix leaky faucets in your home to reduce water consumption.
  • Make a bird feeder or house. Use a milk carton, a large water or soda bottle, or a pine cone.

Mother Earth is our greatest treasure. Step outside and take in the natural beauty that surrounds us. An awareness of how special our environment is will motivate us to protect and preserve it. Let’s try to live our lives as if Earth Day is every day.

Buy tickets here: Boyertown Wine Walk

LET’S TAKE A CLOSER LOOK at your community each week on “The Cast at Glocker”Matt Green & Jeff Frederick interview Boyertown area businesses and discuss community events. You can catch us Wednesdays at 6pm as we livestream from the Glocker Realty & Insurance Facebook and YouTube pages. Join us live, post comments & questions, and be part of the conversation!

General Carl Spaatz National USAAF Museum Interview – You can watch the interview with Colonel Seiwell at the General Carl Spaatz National USAAF Museum in Boyertown below:


THURSDAY 4/21/2022

FRIDAY 4/22/2022

SATURDAY 4/23/2022

SUNDAY 4/24/2022

MONDAY 4/25/2022

TUESDAY 4/26/2022

WEDNESDAY 4/27/2022

“Love the Earth as you would love yourself” – John Denver


Brought to you by:

Jeff Frederick, Realtor
Glocker Realty
900 E Philadelphia Ave Boyertown, PA 19512
mobile – 610-766-2028
office – 610-367-2058
email – jeff@glocker.com

Want to know how much your HOME is WORTH? Find out here: My Home Value

Would you like your event posted? Email “EVENT” to jeff@glocker.com

Jeff knows Boyertown
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