Your weekly guide to the events and happenings in and around Boyertown, PA
What to do? Where to go? Here is your one stop list of community events, music, arts, food, business specials, and historic events for Boyertown and beyond…
As a Boyertown graduate, a real estate agent at Glocker Realty, and also a proud member of Building a Better Boyertown, I have had the joy of watching our little town grow. I enjoy having any part in helping our community to move forward. I hope this weekly blog will help shine a light on all the great things happening in and around Boyertown, PA
Here is what’s going down during the week of 10/21/2021 – 10/27/2021
The sounds of marching bands and sirens wailing, as flashing lights bounce off buildings, while ghosts and ghouls and princesses and pirates dance through the streets, with cheers for candy calling from every child lining the sidewalks… this is the Boyertown Halloween Parade! Though there was a mysterious disappearance of this extraordinary event last year, the parade is back for it’s 68th year! The festivities will begin this Saturday, Oct. 23 at 7PM.
WRFY (102.5 FM) will be the MC for the parade this year. They, along with the judges, will be located at the front side of the Friendship Hook and Ladder Fire Company on Third and Warwick streets.
DO NOT place blankets, chairs, or other items on the sidewalks, along the parade route before Friday at 7 p.m. or they will be removed and disposed of by the Borough of Boyertown.
Prize money and trophies will be awarded to the top four floats, drill & baton unit, scouting unit, costumed group, individual, and most original. All youth who participate in the parade will receive treat bags with candy and coupons from local businesses.
PLEASE BE CAREFUL driving, walking, and moving about in the community on the night of the parade, and PLEASE BE PATIENT with others. The volume of vehicular and pedestrian traffic the night of the parade is exceptionally high. There are many children, older individuals, and others walking. Also, please make donations for the parade to the Parade Association ONLY. There has been a problem with unauthorized groups asking for donations over past recent years.
This year’s parade route will be the same. The route will begin at Second and Madison streets, north to Philadelphia Avenue, west on Philadelphia Avenue to south on Reading Avenue, to S. Warwick Street, left onto E. Second, left onto S. Washington, right onto E. 3rd Street, south on Monroe to go up 2nd Street, left onto Franklin.

**Here is a list of the Halloween parades in the area**
Saturday, Oct. 23
Pottstown, 12 p.m. (noon) The Rotary Club of Pottstown Halloween Parade
Saturday, Oct. 23
Boyertown, 7 p.m. (Rain date Oct. 24 at 2 p.m.) Boyertown Halloween Parade Assoc.
Sunday, Oct. 24
Pennsburg, 6 p.m. Upper Perk Halloween Parade
Monday, Oct. 25
Bally, 7 p.m. (Rain date Thursday, Oct. 28) Bally Lions Club Halloween Parade
Tuesday, Oct. 26
Spring City, 7 p.m. Spring City Halloween Parade
Wednesday, Oct. 27
Collegeville, 6 p.m. Rotary Club of Collegeville Halloween Parade
Thursday, Oct. 28
Birdsboro, 7 p.m. Birdsboro Rotary Halloween Parade

We believe strongly that Boyertown is No Place For Hate. On the night of October 5th our beloved mural was defaced. Please help us restore this treasure. To donate go to:!/

LET’S TAKE A CLOSER LOOK at your community each week on “The Cast at Glocker”! Matt Green & Jeff Frederick interview local auntrepenuers and those involved in helping the Boyertown area communities. You can catch us every Wednesday at 6pm as we livestream at the Glocker Realty & Insurance Facebook and YouTube pages. Join us live, comment, post questions, and be part of the conversation!
On the show this week was “mompreneur” Debby Bevan of Birthday Buddies, Inc. She talked about how one Barney costume changed her life and how she took her business from the city and brought it to the country. See the episode below…
Events List
THURSDAY 10/21/2021
- Fall Fest Family Fun Days – Oley Turnpike Dairy, Oley 11am-7pm
- Fall Foliage – Lunch (train ride)– Colebrookdale Railroad, Boyertown 1pm
- Halloween at the Y! – Pottstown YMCA 4:30-7:30
- Zombie Invasion, Rail Bike Laser Tag Hunt – Colebrookdale Railroad, Boyertown 6:30pm
- The Arc Alliance Fundraiser w/ Steve Rogers (live comedy) – SoulJoel’s Comedy Club, Royersford 7pm
- PV Girls Basketball Booster Club Comedy Fundraiser w/ Steve Rogers (live comedy) – SoulJoel’s Comedy Club, Royersford 7pm
- PANDEMIC – An original stage show (live show) – The State Theatre, Boyertown 7-8pm
- No Time To Die (movie) – The State Theatre, Boyertown
FRIDAY 10/22/2021
- Wilcox Farm Corn Maze – Wilcox Farm, Boyertown 9am-midnight
- Corn Maze – The Gilbertsville Farm 10am-10pm
- Fall Fest Family Fun Days – Oley Turnpike Dairy, Oley 11am-7pm
- Fall Foliage – Lunch (train ride)– Colebrookdale Railroad, Boyertown 1pm
- Zombie Invasion, Rail Bike Laser Tag Hunt – Colebrookdale Railroad, Boyertown 5:30pm
- The Haunted Hike At Pikeville – Pike Township Sportsmen’s Association, Oley 5:30-10pm
- Friday Fright Nights – The Peppermint Stick Candy Store, Boyertown 6-8pm
- Trunk or Treat – Oley Valley Elementary School, Oley 6-8pm
- Steve Cofield (live music) – Creekside Sports Bar & Grille, Royersford 6-9pm
- Eleanor Kerrigan & Jimmy Shubert (live comedy) – SoulJoel’s Comedy Club, Royersford 7pm
- Eerie Limited Ghost Train (trian Ride) – Colebrookdale Railroad, Boyertown 7:30pm
- The Exceptions (live music) – Creekside Sports Bar & Grille, Royersford 8-12pm
- Line Dancing Friday!! (dj) – Washington Grille & Pub, Bechtelsville 8:30pm
- Halloween Ghost Tours – Brinton Lodge, Douglassville 8:30-10pm
- Dune (movie) – The State Theatre, Boyertown
SATURDAY 10/23/2021
- Wilcox Farm Corn Maze – Wilcox Farm, Boyertown 9am-midnight
- Corn Maze – The Gilbertsville Farm 10am-10pm
- Abby’s Pumpkins (corn maze) – Perkiomenville 11am-6pm
- Fall Fest Family Fun Days – Oley Turnpike Dairy, Oley 11am-8pm
- “Abstract, Impressionism and Reality” Exhibition – Studio B Art Gallery, Boyertown 12-2pm
- Poppy & Spiderman visit Wilcox Farm – Wilcox Farm, Boyertown 1-2pm
- Build a Scarecrow (arts & crafts) – Ridgewood Winery on Daffodil Hill Farm, Bechtelsville 2-3:30pm
- Michael Kropp (live music) – Adello Vineyard & Winery, Perkiomenville 2-5pm
- Come to the Table FREE MEAL – St John’s Lutheran Church of Boyertown 4:30-5:30pm
- The Haunted Hike At Pikeville – Pike Township Sportsmen’s Association, Oley 4:30-10pm
- The Left Edge Duo (live music) – Creekside Sports Bar & Grille, Royersford 6-9pm
- Boyertown Halloween Parade! – Boyertown 7pm
- The Unofficial Halloween Parade Afterparty – Iezzi’s on 3rd, Boyertown 7pm
- Kyle Campbell (live music) – J.J. Ratigan Brewing Company, Pottstown 7-10pm
- Hopwood (live music) – Creekside Sports Bar & Grille, Royersford 8-12pm
- Halloween Ghost Tours – Brinton Lodge, Douglassville 8:30-10pm
- Ben Bailey (live comedy) – SoulJoel’s Comedy Club, Royersford 9pm
- Saturday Night Karaoke – Durango’s Saloon, Boyertown 10pm-1:30am
- Dune (movie) – The State Theatre, Boyertown
SUNDAY 10/24/2021
- Wilcox Farm Corn Maze – Wilcox Farm, Boyertown 9am-9pm
- Railbikes – Colebrookdale Railroad, Boyertown 10am
- Fall Fest Family Fun Days – Oley Turnpike Dairy, Oley 11am-5pm
- Abby’s Pumpkins (corn maze) – Perkiomenville 11am-6pm
- “Abstract, Impressionism and Reality” Exhibition – Studio B Art Gallery, Boyertown 12-2pm
- Fall Foliage (train ride)– Colebrookdale Railroad, Boyertown 1pm
- Piper Down (live music) – Adello Vineyard & Winery, Perkiomenville 2-5pm
- Trunk or Treat – St Paul’s Lutheran Church, Sassmansville 3-5pm
- Fall Foliage – Dinner (train ride)– Colebrookdale Railroad, Boyertown 5pm
- Halloween Ghost Tours – Brinton Lodge, Douglassville 7-8:30pm
- Dune (movie) – The State Theatre, Boyertown
MONDAY 10/25/2021
- Fall Fest Family Fun Days – Oley Turnpike Dairy, Oley 11am-7pm
- Dune(movie) – The State Theatre, Boyertown
TUESDAY 10/26/2021
- Fall Fest Family Fun Days – Oley Turnpike Dairy, Oley 11am-7pm
- Dune (movie) – The State Theatre, Boyertown
WEDNESDAY 10/27/2021
- Fall Fest Family Fun Days – Oley Turnpike Dairy, Oley 11am-7pm
- Q&A with Kendra and Autumn (facebook live) – Boyertown Museum of Historic Vehicles 2-2:15pm
- The Cast at Glocker live @ The Flying Pig Studio (facebook live) – Glocker Realty & Insurance 6-7pm
- Dune (movie) – The State Theatre, Boyertown
“All I really need is love, but a little candy now and then doesn’t hurt!” – Charles Schulz
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For real estate assistance contact Jeff Frederick at or call/text at 610-766-2028.
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