Your weekly guide to the events and happenings in and around Boyertown, PA
What to do? Where to go? Here is your one stop list of community events, music, arts, food, business specials, and historic events for Boyertown and beyond…
As a Boyertown graduate, a real estate agent at Glocker Realty, and also a proud member of Building a Better Boyertown, I have had the joy of watching our little town grow. I enjoy having any part in helping our community to move forward. I hope this weekly blog will help shine a light on all the great things happening in and around Boyertown, PA
Here is what’s going down during the week of 2/25/2021 – 3/3/2021
Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try… They say knowledge is power. This is true. I’m not sure if that pertains to the following items though. I searched the web for interesting, unbelievable, crazy, or just plain silly, but all true facts. I am sure these “little known facts” will entertain you. They surely amused me. If nothing else, these are some great conversation pieces. So, let me ask you the question. Did you know…
- The first item sold on eBay was a broken laser pointer: Buyer beware, as they say. Thankfully, buyer Mark Fraser was apparently aware of the fact that he was getting a broken laser pointer when he purchased it for $14.83 from eBay’s founder Pierre Omidyar in 1995.
- Bubble wrap was originally invented as wallpaper – It’s hard to resist popping every air-filled pocket of the fun filled bubble wrap packaging. Imagine if it was covering your walls! Engineer Al Fielding and Swiss inventor Marc Chavannes probably didn’t consider that when, in 1957, they invented bubble wrap while trying to create a textured wallpaper by sealing two shower curtains together to trap air bubbles.
- A Brazilian man was killed in bed when a cow fell through the roof and landed on him – In 2013, Joao Maria de Souza was lying in bed when a cow that had been grazing on a hill behind his house walked onto the asbestos roof and fell through, landing on de Souza. The injured man was taken to a hospital where he later passed away. As strange as this incident might seem, locals claim that it was the third time a similar thing had happened in the area in the past three years, although no one was killed the first two times.
- The top speed of the winning car in the first U.S. race was seven miles per hour – Frank Duryea reached a top speed of 7 mph when he raced the second car he had ever built with his brother, Charles, on Thanksgiving Day, November 27, 1895. The Chicago-Times Herald sponsored race featured a 54-mile course that ran from downtown Chicago to Evanston and back.
- Antarctica is covered in a sheet of ice 7,000 feet thick – That is about 19 football fields. If the ice sheet ever suddenly melted, it would raise the sea level worldwide an estimated 200 feet and submerge much of the Gulf and Atlantic coastal areas of the U.S.
- A crowd at one college football game cheered so loudly that it registered as an earthquake – The game took place between Louisiana State University and Auburn University and had a crowd of 79,431 fans at LSU’s Tiger Stadium. The crowd’s reaction to the game’s final pass registered as an earthquake by a seismograph located around 1,000 feet from the stadium. A seismologist noticed the reading the next day and the game went down in LSU history as the “Earthquake Game.”
- One of the largest pyramids in the world is a Bass Pro Shops in Memphis, Tennessee – If you’re not able to travel all the way to Egypt to see the great pyramids in Giza, then you might want to plan a trip to Memphis, Tennessee. The Bass Pro Shop Megastore stands at 321 feet tall, with a 535,000-square-foot interior. It features a hotel, indoor swamp, aquarium, bowling alley, and the world’s tallest freestanding elevator, which can take you to an observation deck.
- There’s a Starbucks cup in every shot in the movie Fight Club – The 1999 movie Fight Club starring Brad Pitt, Edward Norton, Helena Bonham Carter and Starbucks? It’s true. You will find a Starbucks cup in every scene. The cup’s appearance was reportedly inspired by a line in the film, when Norton’s character explains, “When deep space exploration ramps up, it’ll be the corporations that name everything, the IBM Stellar Sphere, the Microsoft Galaxy, Planet Starbucks.”
- It only takes six minutes for alcohol to affect your brain – Just one drink can quickly go to your head, whether you feel it or not. Researchers at Heidelberg University Hospital found that just six minutes after consuming alcohol, changes are already taking place in the brain. So even if you don’t feel tipsy right away, you’re definitely not totally sober either.
- “Strengths” is the longest word in the English language with one vowel – With nine letters and eight of them being consonants, “strengths” is the longest word in the English language with only one vowel, according to the Guinness World Records.
- “Q” is the only letter that doesn’t appear in any U.S. state name – That’s right – 50 different names and not one of them contain the letter Q. Every other letter shows up at least once in Alabama to Wyoming and everything in between.
- Disneyland has an underground tunnel system – The tunnels were built in response to characters having to run through other lands to get to their posts, which spoiled the magic. Thanks to the tunnels, you won’t see a Tomorrowland spaceman in the Old West–inspired Frontierland.
- 1 in 4 Americans believe the sun revolves around the Earth – A total of 2,200 Americans were surveyed by the National Science Foundation in 2012. The numbers were startling: One in four incorrectly answered that the sun revolves around the Earth.
- The average American uses three rolls of toilet paper each week – This excessive toilet paper use is raising concerns for our forests and more. A report by the National Resources Defense Council concluding that the consequences for humans, wildlife, and the global climate could be devastating if the usage does not change. Maybe the coronavirus toilet paper shortage and the threat to our natural resources could make you want to switch to a bidet? Might not be a bad idea.
- Johnny Appleseed’s fruits were not for eating – Yes, there was a real John “Appleseed” Chapman who planted thousands of apple trees on U.S. soil, but the apples on those trees were much more bitter than the ones you find in the supermarket today. Johnny Appleseed did not expect his fruits to be eaten whole, but rather made into hard apple cider.
- Armadillo shells are bulletproof – In fact, one Texas man was hospitalized when a bullet he shot at an armadillo ricocheted off the animal and hit him in the jaw.
- That tiny pocket in jeans was designed to store a pocket watch – The original Levi jeans in 1879 only had four pockets: The tiny one, two front pockets, and just one in the back.
- Thanks to 3D printing, NASA can “email” tools to astronauts – Getting new equipment to the Space Station used to take months or years, but the new technology means the tools are ready within just hours.
- The word “fizzle” started as a type of fart – In the 1400s, it meant to “break wind quietly,” according to English Oxford Dictionaries.
- Irish bars used to be closed on St. Patrick’s Day – You might associate St. Patrick’s Day with wearing green, music, bars, and drinking so much you think you actually see leprechauns. However, until 1961, there were laws in Ireland that banned bars to be open on March 17. Since the holiday falls during the period of Lent in the heavily Catholic country, the idea of binge drinking was considered immoral.

EASTER EGG BUNDLE GIVEAWAY! – For the month of March, Glocker Realty and Insurance will be giving away bundles of fun filled Easter Eggs! Now you can set up your egg hunt at your own home at no cost to you. Just go to the Glocker’s Easter Egg Bundle Giveaway event post on Facebook. Click the tab that you are “going” to the event. Write in the comments how many bundles you want. Then pick up the bag/s of goodies at Glocker’s office at 900 E Philadelphia Ave, Boyertown, PA 19512. It’s that easy! Get ’em while supplies last.
GIRLS NIGHT OUT BASKET RAFFLE – Help the Junior Women’s Club of Boyertown support the Boyertown Library with an exciting two day event w/ over 100 baskets, door prizes, and grand prizes! The event will be held at the Boyertown Library on March 19th and 20th. Tickets are limeted, so pre-order now. The admission fee of $25 which allots you 25 raffle tickets. More raffle tickets will be available on the day of the event. Get your ticket befor you run out
See some of the great baskets at BJWC 4th Annual “Girl’s Night Out” Basket Raffle
For admission tickets, order through email at or in-person at the Boyertown Library
LAST WEEKEND TO ENTER! – Don’t miss your chance to win a $20 gift certificate to 14 of Boyertown’s finest eateries! Until the end of February, you can enter the Eat Local Win Big raffle by simply eating-in or ordering take-out at any of the participating restaurants below. Just email a copy of your receipt (with your name on it) to It’s that easy! Building A Better Boyertown will randomly select a winner on 3/1/2021. Good luck!
Grind Restaurant, The Other Farm, Carmellos Pizza, Firefly Cafe, Jukebox Cafe, Iezzi’s on Third, Barrel & Ale, The Grill Shop, Brakeman’s Cafe, Durango’s, Gramia’s, Saville’s Diner, Washington Grille & Pub, CD’s Place
LEARN ABOUT PEOPLE FROM YOUR COMMUNITY on The Cast at Glocker! Livestreaming at Glocker Realty & Insurance on Facebook or YouTube every Wednesday at 6pm. Hosts Matt Green & Jeff Frederick talk with people and businesses from the Boyertown and surrounding communities and also discuss local events. Join us live and be part of the conversation!
This week we spoke with entrepreneur Fred Schutte, owner of Ample Electric, Sam Jam USA, and SK Industrial. Watch episode below…
Events List
THURSDAY 2/25/2021
- Eat Local Win Big! (raffle) – Building a Better Boyertown
- Easter Egg Bundle Giveaway – Glocker Realty and Insurance, Boyertown 9am-5pm
- The Marksman (movie) – The State Theatre, Boyertown
FRIDAY 2/26/2021
- Eat Local Win Big! (raffle) – Building a Better Boyertown
- Easter Egg Bundle Giveaway – Glocker Realty and Insurance, Boyertown 9am-5pm
- The Whitewalls (live music) – Creekside Sports Bar & Grille, Limerick 6-10pm
- Tom and Jerry (movie) – The State Theatre, Boyertown
SATURDAY 2/27/2021
- Eat Local Win Big! (raffle) – Building a Better Boyertown
- Secret Valley Expedition – tickets (train ride) – Colebrookdale Railroiad, Boyertown 12 noon
- Wooden Flower Box Painting Class – Ridgewood Winery on Daffodil Hill Farm, Bechtelsville 1-4pm
- Michael Kropp (live music) – Adello Vineyard & Winery, Perkiomenville 2-5pm
- Come to the Table FREE MEAL – St John’s Lutheran Church of Boyertown 4:30-5:30pm
- The Uptown Band (live music) – Creekside Sports Bar & Grille, Limerick 6-10pm
- Open That Bottle Night (arts & craft) – Hammer & Stain Pottstown, Pottstown 6pm
- Ken Pierson (live music) – Copperfields Inn at Lakeside, Limerick 6:30pm
- Kyle Campbell (live music) – J.J. Ratigan Brewing Company, Pottstown 7-10pm
- Tom and Jerry (movie) – The State Theatre, Boyertown
SUNDAY 2/28/2021
- Eat Local Win Big! (raffle) – Building a Better Boyertown
- Secret Valley Expedition Mimosa Brunch – tickets (train ride) – Colebrookdale Railroiad, Boyertown 12 noon
- Gnome making with Wee Folk Garden (arts & craft) – Engage Art Studio, Schwenksville 1pm
- Macrame Feathers (arts & craft) – Hammer & Stain Pottstown, Pottstown 1pm
- Jamie Salvatore (live music) – Adello Vineyard & Winery, Perkiomenville 2-5pm
- Michael Kropp (live music) – Creekside Sports Bar & Grille, Limerick 3-7pm
- Tom and Jerry (movie) – The State Theatre, Boyertown
MONDAY 3/1/2021
- Eat Local March Madness (voting & raffle) – Hello 422
- Easter Egg Bundle Giveaway – Glocker Realty and Insurance, Boyertown 9am-5pm
- Tom and Jerry (movie) – The State Theatre, Boyertown
TUESDAY 3/2/2021
- Eat Local March Madness (voting & raffle) – Hello 422
- Easter Egg Bundle Giveaway – Glocker Realty and Insurance, Boyertown 9am-5pm
- Tuesday Night Blind Draw – Clutch Cornhole at Bella Vista, Gilbertsville 6pm
- Tuesday Trivia – Doc’s Irish Pub, Gilbertsville 8-10pm
- Tom and Jerry (movie) – The State Theatre, Boyertown
WEDNESDAY 3/3/2021
- Eat Local March Madness (voting & raffle) – Hello 422
- Easter Egg Bundle Giveaway – Glocker Realty and Insurance, Boyertown 9am-5pm
- Q&A with Kendra and Autumn (facebook live) – Boyertown Museum of Historic Vehicles 2-2:15pm
- The Cast at Glocker live podcast @ Happy Zen Mama (facebook live) – Glocker Realty & Insurance 6-7pm
- Tom and Jerry (movie) – The State Theatre, Boyertown
Think positive.
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For real estate assistance contact Jeff Frederick at or call/text at 610-766-2028.
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