Welcome! This is your one stop guide to local events and more...

Your weekly guide to the events and happenings in and around Boyertown, PA

What to do? Where to go? Here is your one stop list of community events, music, arts, food, business specials, and historic events for Boyertown and beyond…

As a Boyertown graduate, a real estate agent at Glocker Realty, and also a proud member of Building a Better Boyertown, I have had the joy of watching our little town grow. I enjoy having any part in helping our community to move forward. I hope this weekly blog will help shine a light on all the great things happening in and around Boyertown, PA

Here is what’s going down during the week of 1/21/2021 – 1/27/2021

Work? Family? Everyday Life? How Do You Find the Time?

Do you find it tough to accomplish all that you hope for on any given day? Now that a lot of us are working from home, there seems to be more distractions then ever preventing us from our daily progress. Time management might feel like a constant uphill battle. Organization fights you like an enemy. Whatever the problem, as your evening winds down, are you feeling that your day should have been more productive? Yeah, me too.

In the constant search for self-improvement, emotional clarity, and positive strides, it can be hard to find where to start. It is probably best to look to those who have already successfully found the secret recipe for efficient productivity. Many of them share the same qualities that could help you to improve your daily routine. Here are some of those habits that might help you…

Say No to Distractions:

Successful people use their time better because they are disciplined and know how to set their goals. There is time for vacations and for family, but they know how to balance it. They do not let themselves have unproductive moments.

To be highly effective, you need to learn to focus and avoid things that distract you (like your gadgets, noise, chatting, social media, or emails). Make sure you have finished the one item before you move on to the next. Save the “distractions” for after all tasks have been completed. Even turn of your devices if necessary.

When working from home, have a private area that allows you to keep guidelines for when it is worktime and when it is family time.

Cut your to-do list in half:

Getting things done during your workday shouldn’t mean fitting as much as possible into eight hours. Do you really need those 30 tasks on your to-do list? Take a less-is-more approach to your to-do list by only focusing on accomplishing things that matter first.

Warm up your Brain:

It is okay to take some time for yourself before you get started checking things off your to-do list. If you allow your brain to warm up a bit before digging in, you will feel more motivated and less tempted by distractions.

Schedule Your Time:

If you break down your day into defined blocks of time, you are less likely to get distracted. To excel at this, allow yourself a mix of both work and social interactions. When scheduling, consider the times when you are naturally most productive to be working, and allow socializing at other times throughout the day.

For those of you who check your emails compulsively, plan a morning, afternoon, and evening time slot to manage your inbox.

Let it Go:

Live and let live. This tip may seem out of a self-help book, but it applies to time management just as much as shedding emotional baggage. The more you try to exert control over something completely out of your hands, the more stress you will feel.

To avoid these uncomfortable feelings, your mind will seek out distractions. Sometimes this will mean diving into a huge time-waster that sends you off task for hours. By letting go of what you can’t control, you will free up your mind and free up your time.

Follow the 80/20 rule:

Only 20 percent of what you do each day produces 80 percent of your results. Eliminate the things that don’t matter during your workday — they have a minimal effect on your overall productivity. Break your next project down into steps and systematically remove tasks until you end up with the 20 percent that gets the 80 percent of results.

Listen to Your Body:

Just as there are times when you are at your best, there are times when you genuinely hit a wall. Eliminating distractions can come down to knowing when you are no longer able to focus. So, when your body feels less than energetic and your brain has reached its limit, listen, and take the time to decompress.

THE CAST AT GLOCKER livestreaming every Wednesday at 6PM at Glocker Realty & Insurance on Facebook or YouTube. Hosts Matt Green & Jeff Frederick bring you news, events and conversation for Boyertown and the surrounding communities. This week a Boyertown area stundent, Alyssa Lacobacci, came in to talk about her fundraiser for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. We also had on Jennifer Reinford who is restoring the historic Glendale Flour Mills in Boyertown. PA. Please watch below…

If you would like to help either causes from this weeks podcast, here are the links:

Alyssa Lacobacci – Leukemia & Lymphoma Society https://events.lls.org/epa/lvsoy21/aiacobacci

Jennifer Reinford – Glendale Flour Mills restoration https://gofund.me/7ec6121a

Events List

THURSDAY 1/21/2021

FRIDAY 1/22/2021

SATURDAY 1/23/2021

SUNDAY 1/24/2021

MONDAY 1/25/2021

TUESDAY 1/26/2021

WEDNESDAY 1/27/2021

“We all shine on…” – John Lennon


Don’t miss any future events. Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to this weekly blog.

If you would like your event posted email me at jeff@glocker.com

For real estate assistance contact Jeff Frederick at jeff@glocker.com or call/text at 610-766-2028.

Jeff knows Boyertown
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