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Your weekly guide to the events and happenings in and around Boyertown, PA

What to do? Where to go? Here is your one stop list of community events, music, arts, food, business specials, and historic events for Boyertown and beyond…

As a Boyertown graduate, a real estate agent at Glocker Realty, and also a proud member of Building a Better Boyertown, I have had the joy of watching our little town grow. I enjoy having any part in helping our community to move forward. I hope this weekly blog will help shine a light on all the great things happening in and around Boyertown, PA

Here is what’s going down during the week of 1/7/2021 – 1/13/2021

The Night that Boyertown Will Never Forget…

The story of the Rhoads Opera House fire is so horrific that at every mention it sparks my curiosity which then ushers in heartache at the tale of loss and devastation. From what was supposed to be an exciting and gleeful evening, to those who were lucky enough to get a ticket to the big show, in turn fell victim to the series of unfortunate events that brought the night to its grim ending. As we approach the 113th anniversary of the tragedy, I feel it is a good opportunity to revisit that dark day and pay homage to those whose lives were cut short.

Below is an article written by Josefina Heitmann, Cade Hovey, Keeley Malloy, Payton Kalbach, Caitlin Hamel, edited by Emma Wenerowicz. I feel it is a good quick synopsis of the Rhoads Opera House fire. If you would like more information, here is the link to a great movie documentary of the event, The Rhoads Opera House Fire: Legacy Of A Tragedy

January 13, 2021 will be 113 years since the tragedy that changed the face of Boyertown, and the rest of the world forever. Even though the majority of Boyertown residents have heard the cautionary tale of the Rhoads Opera House Fire, few know the gruesome details of the fiery wreck, or the aftermath of the tragedy.

For those who may not be familiar with the incident, on January 13, 1908, over 300 people and 60 actors gathered in the Opera House for a performance of “The Scottish Reformation.” A projectionist for the play named Harry Fisher accidentally turned a valve of the projector which released a hissing noise. Many in the theater heard this and became alarmed. In the commotion, a kerosene lamp was turned over, starting a small fire, but was put out shortly after igniting. In an attempt to prevent this from occurring again, a few men lifted a large kerosene tank nearby, intending to move it out of harm’s way. The tank broke and an enormous fire started immediately, leading to the downfall of the Rhoads Opera House.

Although the main cause of mortality that night was the fire, many others were trampled to death in the hysteria. As quoted by a survivor in the book The Boyertown of Editor Charles Spatz, “Little Children cried and screamed, and women became hysterical. Fathers and mothers caught up their little ones in terror. Sweethearts flew to their escorts for rescue. All joined in the mad dash from the building. A few men tried to make their voices heard avert the impending calamity, but to no avail.” Escape was nearly impossible: exits of the theater caused a massive problem, as the doors opened inward and the crowd of people at the entrance could not get the doors to open. Not to mention the fire escapes in the building were obscure and of no use to the frantic hordes of citizens trying to escape their impending death. A handful of people managed to find the fire escapes, but this discovery backfired as those trying to free themselves from the inferno in a rush ended up tumbling down the stairs to their deaths. Firefighters on site recalled seeing bodies piled “6 feet deep” on the fire escapes.  170 people in attendance died in the blaze, as well as one firefighter, John Graver, who died in a crash while responding to the incident. The burden at the immense loss of life in Boyertown was felt across the country.

OHF memorial
Memorial for the unidentified victims

Following the disaster, thousands of people flocked to Boyertown to attend the many funerals for the deceased. Makeshift morgues were set up around town to handle the influx of bodies, and lines of people would gather to search the mortuaries for their loved ones who passed in the fire. 25 of the bodies were burned beyond recognition and buried in the Fairview Cemetery to honor the unknown. Numerous other victims are also buried in this cemetery with grand gravestones as a tribute to the fallen. 

The Rhoads Opera House fire is still relevant 113 years later as the incident compelled Pennsylvania legislation to require new standards for construction including the mandate that all doors on public buildings are required to open outward. In addition to inciting monumental legislation, the fire has also inspired lingering stories of ghost sightings including a tale involving a specific ghost who lurks around Durango’s, a restaurant in Boyertown.

Boyertown will never forget the lives lost in this tragedy. The Rhoads Opera House fire will live on as one of the most tragic events in Boyertown, shaping the future of the town and world.

THE CAST AT GLOCKER livestreaming every Wednesday at 6PM at Glocker Realty & Insurance on Facebook or YouTube. Hosts Matt Green & Jeff Frederick bring you news, events and conversation for Boyertown and the surrounding communities. Be sure to join us live every Wednesday at 6PM and be part of the conversation! This week we were at Ridgewood Winery in Bechtelsville to speak with the owners, Tracy & Bill Smith. We also discussed the Rhoads Opera House Fire. Watch below…

Events List

THURSDAY 1/7/2021

FRIDAY 1/8/2021

SATURDAY 1/9/2021

SUNDAY 1/10/2021

MONDAY 1/11/2021

TUESDAY 1/12/2021

WEDNESDAY 1/13/2021

One positive thought in the morning can change your whole day!


Don’t miss any future events. Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to this weekly blog.

If you would like your event posted email me at jeff@glocker.com

For real estate assistance contact Jeff Frederick at jeff@glocker.com or call/text at 610-766-2028.

Jeff knows Boyertown
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