Your weekly guide to the events and happenings in and around Boyertown, PA
What to do? Where to go? Here is your one stop list of community events, music, arts, food, business specials, and historic events for Boyertown and beyond…
As a Boyertown graduate, a real estate agent at Glocker Realty, and also a proud member of Building a Better Boyertown, I have had the joy of watching our little town grow. I enjoy having any part in helping our community to move forward. I hope this weekly blog will help shine a light on all the great things happening in and around Boyertown, PA
Here is what’s going down during the week of 11/26 – 12/2/2020
Although we tend to think of Thanksgiving as a day for stuffing our bellies full of turkey and pies, gathering with our families, and veggin’ on the couch watching football, this year might be a little different. For that reason, maybe this year is a good year to pause and give thanks. Even during a pandemic, I know there are many things I can be thankful for. I have a family that I love, a warm home we live in, food on our table each day, good people and good friends to talk to…the list is endless. But for me, and all of you celebrating Thanksgiving this year, whether with a big fancy meal or a microwave dinner, with many or few, live or virtual, at home or at work, that means you are alive, and that in itself is enough to be thankful for. Cheers and happy Thanksgiving.

Here Are a Few Turkey Facts:
- Americans prepare 46 million turkeys for Thanksgiving each year. Thanksgiving Day and turkey go hand-in-hand, so this number shouldn’t be too much of a surprise. Turkey is a huge hit for holidays, probably because it can serve large gatherings. For those who aren’t satisfied with only one day of it, Christmas is also a popular occasion to cook another turkey.
- The turkeys pardoned by the president go on to live fulfilling lives. President George H.W. Bush pardoned the first turkey in 1989 after he noticed the 50-pound bird at his official Thanksgiving proclamation looked a little nervous. Every president has upheld the tradition, ever since.
- Benjamin Franklin wanted the turkey as the national bird. In a letter to his daughter, Benjamin Franklin wrote, “For my own part I wish the bald eagle had not been chosen the Representative of our country…For the truth the turkey is in comparison a much more respectable bird.”
- Only male turkeys actually gobble. If you learned in preschool that a turkey goes “gobble, gobble,” that’s only about half true. Only male turkeys, appropriately named gobblers, actually make the sound. Female turkeys cackle instead. So, if you are trying to figure out whether a turkey’s male or female, just wait until they open their beaks
- Turkeys are (kind of) named after the country. No, the bird turkey does not really hail from the country Turkey. A bird called the guinea fowl, which bears a striking resemblance to the American turkey, was imported to Europe from its native North Africa. Because the birds came from Turkish lands, Europeans called them the turkey-cock and turkey-hen. When settlers in the Americas began sending similar-looking birds back to Europe, the same name quickly stuck.
SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY is this Saturday, Nov 28th! This year your local small businesses could use your support and patronage more then ever. Are you looking for that special, unique, one of a kind gift? Your local artisan shops are the place to find such things. So go out this weekend and show them some love! Here are a couple of fun local shopping events happening this week…
Shop Small in Boyertown – Buildimg a Better Boyertown has put together a fun scavanger hunt to play while you are out shopping this Saturday, Nov 28th. You will look for different words that are hung in participating businesses’ windows or doors. You will write the word on your blank raffle form. When completed, the answer to the question “Why shop small in Boyertown” will be revealed. Return your completed form to be entered in the gift certificate raffle! Please stop in at these participating businesses; The State Theater, Simply Sherry’s Bakery, Richard Zuber Realty, Victory Lacrosse, Becker Home, Brakeman’s Cafe, MJ’s Legacy, The Book Nook, Weidner Deli, Happy Zen Mama, The Peppermint Stick Candy Store.
Boyertown Christmas Station – The Boyertown Christmas Station will feature a day of eating, drinking and holiday shopping at a Christkindlmarkt style market located in the parking lot of the Colebrookdale Railroad. This is a perfect way to start the holiday season and support your local crafters! All proceeds raised will go to the Boyertown Fountain Fund.
WATCH THE CAST AT GLOCKER podcast live every Wednesday at 6PM at Glocker Realty & Insurance on Facebook or YouTube.
Events List
THURSDAY 11/26/2020
- Happy Thanksgiving!
- Thanksgiving Day Community Service and Drive through Meal – Boyertown Salvation Army, Boyertown 10am-1pm
- Boyertown Virtual Turkey Trot 2020 – Boyertown Area Multi-Service, Boyertown
- Thursday Trivia – Iezzi’s on 3rd, Boyertown 7-9pm
- Frozen (movie) – The State Theatre, Boyertown
FRIDAY 11/27/2020
- Carnival of Lights – Gilbertsville Area Community Ambulance Service, Gilbertsville 6-10pm
- Boyertown Virtual Turkey Trot 2020 – Boyertown Area Multi-Service, Boyertown
- Preschool Story Hour (online)– Oley Valley Community Library, Oley 10:30-11:30am
- Uptown Band – Thanksgiving Eve Replacement Party #1 (live music) – Creekside Sports Bar & Grille – Limerick 6-10pm
- Frozen (movie) – The State Theatre, Boyertown
SATURDAY 11/28/2020
- Shop Small in Boyertown (scavanger hunt/raffle) – The State Theater, Simply Sherry’s Bakery, Richard Zuber Realty, Victory Lacrosse, Becker Home, Brakeman’s Cafe, MJ’s Legacy, The Book Nook, Weidner Deli, Happy Zen Mama, The Peppermint Stick Candy Store, Boyertown 9am-6pm
- Boyertown Virtual Turkey Trot 2020 – Boyertown Area Multi-Service, Boyertown
- Santa’s Polar Bear Express (train ride w/ Santa) – The Colebrookdale Railroad, Boyertown
- Boyertown Chritmas Station (Christmas market) – Parking lot of Colebrookdale Railroad, Boyertown 10am-5pm
- Michael Kropp (live music) – Adello Vineyard & Winery, Perkiomenville 2-5pm
- FREE MEAL – Come to the Table – St John’s Lutheran Church of Boyertown 5-6:30pm
- Vuja De (live music) – The 19th Hole at Swamp Pike Pub, Gilbertsville 6-9pm
- Carnival of Lights – Gilbertsville Area Community Ambulance Service, Gilbertsville 6-10pm
- Buzzer Band – Thanksgiving Eve Replacement Party #2 (live music) – Creekside Sports Bar & Grille – Limerick 6-10pm
- November Ghost Tour – Brinton Lodge, Douglassville 8-9:30pm
- Frozen (movie) – The State Theatre, Boyertown
SUNDAY 11/29/2020
- Boyertown Virtual Turkey Trot 2020 – Boyertown Area Multi-Service, Boyertown
- Santa’s Polar Bear Express (train ride w/ Santa) – The Colebrookdale Railroad, Boyertown
- Kendal Conrad (live music) – Adello Vineyard & Winery, Perkiomenville 2-5pm
- Frozen (movie) – The State Theatre, Boyertown
MONDAY 11/30/2020
- Basket Raffle #3 – Gabelsville Athletic Association, Boyertown 7pm
- Frozen (movie) – The State Theatre, Boyertown
TUESDAY 12/1/2020
- Barrel Bingo Night – Barrel & Ale, Boyertown 7:30-9:30pm
- Frozen (movie) – The State Theatre, Boyertown
WEDNESDAY 12/3/2020
- The Cast at Glocker w/ Jillian Magee manager of Building a Better Boyertown (podcast) – Glocker Realty & Insurance 6pm
- The Great Holiday Reveal – Berks-Mont Business Association, Boyertown 6-8pm
- Carnival of Lights – Gilbertsville Area Community Ambulance Service, Gilbertsville 6-9pm
- Frozen (movie) – The State Theatre, Boyertown
Rest and be thankful.
Don’t miss any future events. Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to this weekly blog.
If you would like your event posted email me at
For real estate assistance contact Jeff Frederick at or call/text at 610-766-2028.